There is a whole new world of doing business using new technologies for managing and organizing business operations. What makes the MIS field the most exciting area of study is the continuous change in technology, management and business processes.

A continual stream of information technology innovations is transforming the traditional business world. Examples include the emergence of cloud computing, the growth of mobile digital business platform, and not least the use of social networks to achieve the business objectives. Most of these changes have occurred in the last few years. These innovations are enabling entrepreneurs and innovative traditional firms to create new products and services, develop new business models and transform the day-to-day conduct of business. 
Likewise, the management of the business firms have changed; E- Commerce has started a rapid change in the ways of firm design, produce and deliver products and services.  Information Systems and technologies are the foundation of E-Commerce in the new era.

This course helps the students to define the subject of Management Information Systems across the globe and provides an overview of fundamental MIS concepts using an integrated framework for describing and analyzing information systems while drawing connections between MIS and business performance.